Sunday, November 16, 2008

Korean Fun Facts pt. 1

OK, so for those of you who haven't heard, I'm writing a novel this month. The website basically sets forth a challenge to anyone to write 50,000 words in a month. I'm currently at 28,000 words (about 86 pages). So my desire to blog is a little low right now, so I apologize to anyone who's reading this (if anyone is still bothering to read this) but that's why I haven't done anything in a while, and probably won't do anything big until at least the first part of December. To hold you over until then, I thought I'd offer a few quick fun facts I've learned about Korean culture.

1. 11/11 is Pepero day. I'm not exactly sure why, but on November 11th, Koreans go around giving each other boxes of Peperos. Peperos are basically cracker sticks, covered in chocolate. Some of the students basically told us that Pepero day is a big scheme by a candy company to get people to buy more candy. They come in all different sizes, and despite the fact that I'm sick of them, I still have four boxes in my desk at work.

2.They put weird things on pizza here. I've seen corn, pototoes, sweet potatoes, carrots and God knows what else. There are a few places that have good pizza, but you have to be careful.

3. Some Koreans walk deathly slow. I realize that sometimes I walk fast, but these people get as close to standing still as you can possibly get. I asked one of my Korean friends why this was. Her first suggestion was that Koreans have shorter legs, and thus walk slower. Her second suggestion was that, at least a long time ago, only poor people walked quickly, because they had to work. Rich people walked more slowly because they didn't have to work. So maybe it's polite or better for other people's opinion if you walk slowly here, I don't know. I just know it's really annoying when you're trying to get somewhere on a narrow sidewalk and there's a young Korean couple who is basically just blocking the sidewalk.

4. If you want real frosted flakes here, don't trust Tony. Tony the Tiger's face gets plastered on corn flakes, and slightly sweetened corn flakes masquerading as frosted flakes. If you want real frosted flakes, look for Flion the Lion. Not even joking.

5. You'd be amazed how many B movies have been made in the last twenty years, and how many bad movies well known actors have made. I have one channel that shows english speaking movies and tv shows, and the movies are almost always just above unwatchable. They usually have some big name american star doing... not their best work. Oh, and I've seen multiple films containing either Nicholas Cage or Keanu Reeves, if this gives you any idea of the quality of the movies. Even a couple with Hillary Duff, the Olson twins and Katie Holmes. But, beggars can't be choosers I guess.

Hope that holds you all over until I get the time and the energy to write more. Hope you're all doing well, and I hope to hear from you all soon.